Monday, November 7, 2016

Musings of a Prodigal Son - Looking at the Forest and Not the Trees

I usually try to stay out of political discussions because, quite frankly, people get upset and a discussion of these things often breeds controversy. I feel that there are some important issues to consider as we vote for the next President of the United States as well as the other elected officials that will be leading us into the future. I have titled this entry, "Looking at the Forest and Not the Trees" because looking at the trees would make most people not even want to vote! Take a longer look at the forest. How is it shaping up? I am challenging myself and each of you to look at the forest through the lens of the Word of God.

I've heard many Christians say of this election "I am just gonna sit this one out." If anyone feels this way, they should reconsider this position. Don't forget, the freedom to elect our leaders is a blessing from God. Many people died to give us that right. If followers of Christ do not vote, we leave the electing of our public officials to those who are not seeking God. Much of the gradual decline of Christian Standards in our society is the direct result of lathargic Christian enclaves that have isolated themselves from the world, thinking that by isolating from the world, we could escape its degradation.

Two important points to consider. The first is that we, as followers of Christ, should align ourselves with what God says is truth. We should always do this to the best of our ability. This includes the process of choosing our leaders. If a prospective leader takes a stand on an issue that is contrary to the Word of God, we should in no circumstances vote for that person. God's Word for the Christian is determined by the Bible. It is God's Word. It doesn't contain God's Word, it is God's Word. Truth as the world sees it may change with the prevailing majority but God's truth has never changed. It is still the same. God's truth is not based on accepted norms, it is based on God's Word spoken through the Bible. Regardless of our opinions, we should see all leaders as human and subject to sin. There is something more important than our opinion of a prospective leader. There is their stance on various issues. Their true platform.

Let me mention one example to illustrate what I am saying. The Sanctity of Life is one of the issues that God is very clear on in His Word. God has always valued life. Any life. Every life. Not just the full-term pregnancy life. Life from its inception. Life begins in the mind of God. He said to the Psalmist, "I knew all of your parts when as yet there was none of them." He said to Jeremiah the prophet, "I knew you in the womb." The value of human life and the Sin of destroying it was truth when Roe vs. Wade was made a precedent by the Supreme Court in the early 1970s. Government sanctioned abortion is still a sin today.  When a candidate for office takes a stand against life, this is a clear indicator that they are not who we should be voting for.

There are other issues that God is very clear about in His Word that particular candidates are taking the opposite stance on. When a person aligns their agenda on the opposing side of God's Truth, they should not be voted for by followers of Christ. This is regardless of their experience and regardless of their personality or gender. Remember, WE ARE NOT VOTING FOR A PERSON, WE ARE VOTING FOR AN AGENDA. Many leaders both worldly and Godly are mentioned in the Bible. It is a rather interesting study to look at various Kings, Emperors, and Leaders throughout the Bible and their stands on things related to God and His Truth. Some of the most worldly leaders still allowed the Truth of God to be proclaimed and protected it as the standard by which other faith beliefs were measured (i.e. see Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel).

Many people vote for who they think can help the economy, who they think will give them the best chance of getting a raise, or even who their labor party or favorite group says to vote for. Many vote along ethnic or racial lines. Many vote along party lines. Christians should always be guided by a higher standard. That standard is the Word of God and Truth as defined by God. We should align with candidates whose agenda falls most in line with God's Truth. When looked at from this perspective, the choice becomes much clearer than trying to follow the "he said, she said" and personal attacks from various candidates. Look at their stance on various issues. Measure the Platforms and Agenda's of various candidate by God's truth

This election is important for many reasons but the foremost reason seems to be the potential of appointing five (5) justices to the United States Supreme Court. These justices are appointed by the acting President. This is indeed one of the most powerful tools in the hand of any acting President due to the fact that United States Supreme Court Justices are appointed for LIFE. They shape policy for sometimes generations. As the Supreme Court goes, so often goes our country. Very few Presidents have had the opportunity to appoint as many Supreme Court Justices as the next President will have.

I've read that no matter who wins this election, God is still on His Throne and Jesus is Lord. Praise God that this is true! However, we should do everything we can to align with the truth of God if we have any hope that God will continue to bless our great nation. The responsibility lies with each of us.

By all means we should:  Study. Look. Pray. Vote. We have to be very careful to "walk circumspectly (looking around), redeeming the time, for the days are evil (Ephesian 5:15-16)

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