Monday, September 18, 2017

Musings of a Prodigal Son - Voicing My Own Humor - What Little Bit There Is

Please allow me to briefly diverge into my sarcasm:

People are unique---just when you think you have one of us figured out, we surprise you. Not always in a good way.

It is now football season and it is time once again to pull for the Crimson Tide. If you're me, you also pull for the Auburn Tigers WHEN they are not playing the Crimson Tide. Some people I know say that is impossible. The only requirement is that you must live in Florida to be able to do it. :)

If life was a race, some people would expect all of us to be like formula one racers. In reality most of us are like a neighborhood race of ford pintos.

Most of the time I have found that God's Will to me is what I didn't do yesterday, have no intention of doing today, but plan to do tomorrow. Until today becomes tomorrow, which of course I have no intention of doing today. In reality though, it is simply being obedient. Man, I have missed that sooooooooooo many times!

On the recent cruise I had no internet and very little television.  I spent a lot of quality time with my wife and made memories. I examined myself and found myself lacking. Maybe there is a lesson in this for me?

Sometimes, if you have to go to the bathroom and you hold it long enough, you find that you don't have to go anymore. Where does it go? Also sometimes, if you have to go to the bathroom and you hold it long enough, no one wants to be around you anymore because they know where it goes.

I didn't get sea sick this time on the cruise. However, since I have been back, I feel that I am going up and down on a boat. I must be getting "land-sick".

Many people have told me that I should write a book. Most of those people don't know me. Strangely, none of them were my English teachers.

When you apply for a job, most people want experience. Experience means you can do the job. Why aren't most of our marriage experts people who have been married at least three times? We have the experience. With multiple companies.

Credibility is being able to keenly allow people to see enough of you to believe they see all of you while deftly hiding most of you.

I have found that most people really do not crave honesty but merely the appearance of honesty. However, when people are in pain or crisis, most desire and crave REAL honesty.

Our views on things are often determined by our selfish desires rather than our God-Given Purpose.

The only way to know that you don't know is for someone who may not know themselves to challenge you because they don't know the rules of what you know.

There is an elephant in EVERYONE'S living room. We should invite the elephant to church or to our homes to pray and talk so that he/she can see the rest of the elephants. Oh, I forgot. We often like to hide the elephants in places where they need to be seen the most.

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