I know that Mother’s Day has past, but I wanted to take the opportunity to express how thankful I am to have my mother with me for a visit. She has made so many sacrifices over the course of her life. Most of you may know that she is an extrovert (she never meets a stranger). If she does meet a stranger, they are only a stranger for as long as it takes for them to respond to her first salutation. She has always loved interacting with others. I am also thankful that I inherited this trait from her. I like to talk. I like to write. I like to post.
Many reading this post may already know but my father was just the opposite. He was the consummate example of patience and quietness (unless he knew you well). He did have one of the most remarkable senses of humor I have ever known. However, he preferred to stay out of the lime light and avoided crowds and large groups of people whenever possible. He didn’t like to travel but was very much a “home body.” I also like to be at home, an attribute that I inherited from him. The reason that I bring this up is that my mom supported him all the years they were together. He liked to stay at home (not go anywhere often) so she stayed at home with him. They had many good years together. My point is, however, that I know my mom would have loved it had my dad liked to travel and get out (away from home) more. But since he did not, she supported him in that and stayed at home most of the time with him. She hasn’t expressed this to me, I just observed and reflect. Adapting all those years took some sacrifice on her part.
I had a relative to talk to me when my dad became ill in 2008 and it was apparent that his condition was terminal. That relative told me that I also needed to prepare for my mother’s death because without my dad, she would decline rapidly. I told that relative that I thought they were mistaken. The reason is because I knew my mom well. I had watched some of the sacrifices that she made over the years. Don’t get me wrong, my dad was very good to her. I’m just saying that she made sacrifices too. Their marriage was a model of sacrifice and love.
My dad passed away very quickly after becoming ill. So quickly that we were all in shock for a period of time after he passed away. Once my mom progressed through this period, I noticed that she began to blossom in some ways. She was very much grieving for my dad but there was a part of her that was coming alive. She began to get out more socially. She began to travel with senior citizens groups. I am so glad that she did. She had sacrificed so much of herself during those years of marriage with my dad that I was happy to see her be able to do many of the things that he would have never enjoyed doing. They were just different. They were so in love but so different. As I look back at their lives together and the wonderful life that they created for my brother and myself, I am honored that my mother sacrificed so much of herself for so long so that my dad could be happy. She set such a high standard as a wife.
As I spend time with my mom now, I notice how frail she often is. I am glad that she took the opportunity to travel when she did because now she has stated that she really has no desire to go anywhere else. As I spend these days with her, I am reminded of the gift that she has been and continues to be to us. In addition to this, the prayers that she prays for us are priceless. Is she perfect? No. Because she is such an extrovert, you will find that out very quickly. But she is genuine.
I want to enjoy as much time with her as possible. Every night that she can spend with us, I consider a great gift. I want to honor her and listen to the wisdom that comes from her heart. Tomorrow is not promised, but we have today.
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