Friday, January 17, 2020

Musings of a Prodigal Son - Leaving Footprints on the Road of Life

Leaving Footprints on the Road of Life

(Jesus) who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:8)

This message does not have a conclusion. It is open ended because I don’t know the answer.

God has a way of getting our attention. Those of us who have children realize that part of our responsibility to our children is helping them learn the lessons that help them be successful in this life and hopefully in the one to come. God as our Father, in a perfect way, as our Spiritual Father, also helps us learn the lessons that will help us in the life and the one to come.

As I was attending a regular Bible Study/Prayer time in someone’s home last night that Michelle and I are regularly part of, something came up last night that is timely and necessary. Most of you know that at one point in my life, I served a church as a Pastor. My life’s calling and purpose is to pastor people wherever I am. I wish I could say that I have always been steadfast in that purpose. I have not. I think it is necessary to mention a caveat here. Gifts of the Spirit, which are given to us by God when the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us at salvation, are different from talents as they are unmerited and not given to us for our own edification but rather for the edification and building up of others. They are not “earned” wages for doing good. They are grace imparted for helping others in their journey to be close to God. As such, they are operational when we “walk in the Spirit” not in the flesh. When we walk in the flesh, we quench these gifts much like pouring water on a burgeoning fire. Back to my point regarding my life. I have spent time in my life “quenching” the fire. However, the born again inner man that is very much the life of me longs for completion in being able to manifest my gifts to others. I have a pastoral gift. If you are born again, you too have some gift/gifts. They are what truly give you purpose in this life.

I have been married three times. I Love My Wife completely and I am thankful to say that we have a good marriage that is founded on the Love and Grace of God. However, my track record (footprints on the road of life), is marked by personal failures. Before you want to jump in a rescue me, I know that Jesus has forgiven me and it is by his grace that we are made right with God. However, I have felt limited on my purpose due mainly in part to my own “track record” of personal failures. I have hurt others. I have asked all of those whom God has placed on my heart for forgiveness but the fruit of my actions remain. I cannot undo the past.

Last night, the subject came up about purpose and meaning of life. I can say that I never feel as alive as I did when I was preaching and teaching. My gift allows me to see the needs of people with a desire to help them. I haven’t preached or taught in a church, save one time, since 1999. I miss it. Alot. Will I ever be able to do it again? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the opportunity again. I just know that I miss it. It was brought up in the meeting we attended that I regularly “pastor” people as I live at work, people I encounter, etc. I know this is true but I miss it.

As we move one day closer to the conclusion of our life here on this earth, I long to be closer to God and fulfill my purpose. I just don’t know how to get there. I know my destination but I want to be pleased with my journey.

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