"In My Fathers House are many Mansions (Abodes)....." (John 14:2)
Heaven.....that place that we've never seen but where we all want to go. The place where there are no tears, no sorrow, no pain.....the place where pure Love dwells, for God is Love. Also the place where the Saviour of the world, Jesus, dwells at the right hand of the Father. That place where all the saints dwell who have gone on from their earthly abode.
"In my Fathers house are many mansions (abodes), if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:2-3)
The greek word for mansions, which is translated in some versions of the Bible as rooms, means "abode." An abode is not confined to just a structure, it is where you reside. In a very real way, my abode may include my yard, my community, or my town. It can be vast. I believe that heaven is like that. It is vast. I remember the Robin Williams movie that was released in the 1990s, "What Dreams May Come..." It was an analogy about heaven. I know it was just a motion picture but some of the fields and vivid imagery in that movie I believe can be factual in regard to the vastness of heaven and its brilliance. Many people have an image of Heaven as if it is just this giant temple-like throne room where all the saints are packed in with Jesus and God in the front on the throne but it is so much more vast than that. It contains a Throne Room in which sits the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus at the right hand of his Father, however, heaven is so much more. It has been "prepared" for those who know Christ and have placed their faith and trust in Him through salvation.
As I look at the vastness of the cosmos, not even confined to our own universe, of pictures that were taken recently of other galaxies by the Webb telescope, I am reminded that "eyes have not seen nor ears heard....the things that God has prepared for those that love him."(1 Corinthians 2:9). From the vastness and beauty of a mountain range in Appalachia, the Swiss Alps, or the Himalayas, these would not begin to picture the vastness of the dwelling place that God has for each of his children. Imagine everything that is truly good, not corrupt, being in one place at one time. So much goodness and pure joy packed into overflowing for every moment of everyday. Even time which is a construct for this dimension that we currently live in, will be no more. We are even told that in the dimension in which God resides "a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as is a day." (2 Peter 3:8) With the dissolution of time will be gone all of the processes associated with it such as aging, the body breaking down, etc. There will be no more of that. There will be no constraints. None are needed.
"There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away...(Isaiah 65:17)
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband." (Revelations 21:21)
There will be a new heaven and a new earth God, whose has rested in Heaven will come down to the new heaven and earth and Jesus himself will be seated with Father God. He will rule forever over our "Abode". If you are a city person, imagine being able to explore the most beautiful cities without any danger or caution. If you are a country person, imagine being able to explore the most beautiful mountain peaks and mountain trails without any dangers lurking in the shadows.
Will we know each other there? I believe that we will but in know each other but in a much deeper way. I believe that we will see and experience each other in our purest form with all the personality and uniqueness that made us each different in this present world but without any of the encumbrances. There will be no faulty coping skills, frailty from sickness, shame, or guilt. We will be completely comfortable with who we are with no distrust because there is no deception in anyone because of the King who sits on the throne. Imagine living fully in the identify that God created us for. The Bible says that "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
I believe there will be beauty like we have never been able to comprehend. Even the streets are made of gold (Rev 21:21), which I believe represents the most valuable and brilliant precious metal that John would have been able to conceive in order to pen what he saw of radiant shine of those streets. Rivers that flow from the throne of God that are 100% pure and clear, teaming with everything good.
I love the old story of the rich man who, on his death bed, negotiated with God to allow him to bring his earthly treasures with him when he came to heaven. God's reaction was that this was a most unusual request, but since this man had been exceptionally faithful, permission was granted fro bring along just one suitcase. The time arrived, the man presented himself at the pearly gates, suitcase in hand-BOTH hands, actually, since he had stuffed it with as many bars of gold bullion as would fit. St. Peter said, "Sorry, you know the rules--you can't take it with you." But the man protested, "God said I could...one suitcase." St. Peter checked, found out that this one would ben an exception, prepared to let the man enter, then said, "OK, but I will have to examine the contents before you pass." He tool the suitcase, opened it, saw the gold bars and asked quizzically, "You brought PAVEMENT?" [Note: This story is from the Sermon "Heaven" by Dr. David Leininger, March 30, 1997]
There is also no jealousy in Heaven. There is only one to be proud of. The matchless and powerful Saviour, Jesus, is the reason for everyone being there. After all, there is no other name in Heaven given whereby man may be saved. There is no envy, strife, lying, cheating, poverty, sickness, pain, heartache, loneliness, longing, hunger, and thirst. There will be no evil deceiver to twist the truth and cause destruction. All of creation will be at peace with the God who made it for fellowship and love.
Heaven is so far from this world but so close once we have crossed over to the next. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Even this great Webb telescope has to travel many years at great speeds to be able to take pictures of just a small segment of what God created. Its amazing that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we'll be able to travel greater distances to instantly be with the Saviour who is the author and finisher of our faith.
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