Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Musings of a Prodigal Son: The Battle for Souls

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and he shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is lightfor my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:29-30)

There is an intensifying battle raging for the souls of all people. Particularly in our own country, the United States, there is a battle waging for the very souls of every living member of our society. With the modern marvels of the internet and an ever-expanding social network, information is being dispensed at a never before seen pace. Propaganda, much of which is false, is spreading like wildfire throughout our world. One nation under God, although a form of propaganda within itself (as we have never been completely united), has become a rare commodity as our “me” society continues to divide people for every reason while espousing to unify. There is the “I want to keep my culture”, “I want to keep my individuality” interpreted to the absurd. Everyone seems to want to assert their uniqueness but not pay the price for unity. As Jesus once stated to the Phariseesyou “strain at insignificant things (assembly, form of worship, rules, etc.)  but leave the greater things (visiting the sick, those in need, sharing the gospel with the hurting by loving them and ministering to them, taking care of the elderly, etc.) undone…” Even the individual has not escaped this rampant movement to de-unify. Many individuals have conflict within themselves and now have trouble identifying themselves. Absolute and obvious truths are ignored. Every truth is relative, and no one wants to take any responsibilities for living out objective truths. Everything is about the individual until it is time to take responsibility for something and suddenly the individual is a victim of another individual. We are fast approaching a season when everyone is a “victimizer and everyone is also a “victim” of something. As responsibility for actions and accountability fades in our society, chaos is on the rise. What do we do? We blame each other. We choose to listen to the information that only supports the lies that we have already bought into. We further separate from one another while discussing how we are becoming better as a people and more “enlightened” than we have ever been in the past. Suicide, Murder, Rape, Mental Illness, and a whole host of other problems continue to increase at alarming rates. The Church has become a silent bystander as we are now two generations into the “lets take care of our own” mentality. Churches have been resting stops for the weary (and sometimes not weary but lazy) Christian as a rule for the last 50 years. The radical message of the New Testament to “go into all the world (which includes our next door neighbor), has been somewhat forgotten except for the occasional mission offering. Our Lives have focused on us. Not them. Not the focus of Jesus. As a result, the stagnation that has resulted in the condition of many modern churches has led to their closing or a membership so meager that they struggle to keep the lights on week to week. As isolation becomes rampant we retreat to our Amazon served homes and come out only to go to work, the occasional outing, and to any number of “fun” activities. Pop Psychology has replaced prayer, self-help seminars have replaced fasting, and movies have replaced preaching. Making the gospel a modern production is the quest of the day to compete with the other forms of entertainment. But where is the power? Where is the conviction of Sin? Where is thirst for righteousness? Where is the deliverance from persistent Sin? The bottom line is: Where is the Holy Spirit? Where are the changed lives?
Did you know that most public schools, even those in rural areas, have many students who laugh at the Cross of Christ and consider the gospel message an outdated myth? With the information of falsehood flowing rampantly on the internet, many of these students are witnessing more to these things than many Christians are standing up for their faith. There are many other students who believe that with more education, they “outgrow” the beliefs of the Bible and that Christianity (and the Church) is just one of many “institutions” that are a hold-over from a less enlightened age? Colleges and Universities have positioned themselves as “enlightened” institutions that subtlety(often brazenly) contradict the teachings of God’s Word. Christianity, for many Christians, has become more of a label than a life-changing experience. 
And we wonder why we have so many problems We wonder why there is so much depravity in the world. The “enlightened of this present world” don’t stand a chance against the forces of evil. Only God in Christ can overcome the world. Only heart change can make the world better. Billy Graham said it best in one of the last messages he preached when he said that America and the World will not survive without a true revival among the people of God that brings conviction of such power that Christians recommit again to God and many that are lost turn to Him in Faith through His Son Jesus Christ. Only Prayer and Fasting can bring this about. Are we willing to do it? Or will we keep our heads in the sand and believe that “this too shall pass”. The only thing that can change our nation now is an outpouring of the Spirit of God in such power that lives are radically changed and those who profess Christ take a stand and put on his yoke. We have to choose. Jesus said take my yoke. It’s easy to take his yokeWe simply believe and follow (obey) himThe Heavy Burden of watching the world crumple around those we love will become lighter as we watch Him change what only HE can change. Deception begins to lose its power in light of the Truth overflowing in those who know Him. 
Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Musings of a Prodigal Son: Radical Faith, Radical Purpose

It would seem that the gulf between what it means to be a Christian and what is acceptable in our society is widening. It is becoming more and more radical for us to live the “normal” Christian life. To express one’s beliefs and faith is often labeled as being intolerant. It often amazes me that those who espouse to be the most tolerant are often the most intolerant of all. It seems that everyone is free to express their own beliefs, no matter how radical they may be, unless they are Christian. If you are Christian and express what you really believe, it is not accepted in our society. Christians have gone to “church” and remained passive for too long. Instead of going to “church”, it is time for Christians to be “The Church.” In an age where intellectualism has educated people “beyond” Christianity, our society has digressed to new depths as old problems have continued to increase. Suicides, Divorce, Drug Addiction, and many other problems have increased. As we have become more “enlightened” our problems have become greater. Since right and wrong are now relative in our society, many don’t seem to have any anchor on which to moor their life. The result is chaos with no unified purpose. Man was not created to self-serve. He was created to help all of creation have fellowship with God. I see many entries on the internet, particularly social media, of people who have been hurt by others who claim to follow Christ. The result has been to throw Christianity out the window because some who have a religious spirit have judged others instead of loving them. This type of religious spirit was the same thing that Jesus confronted while on this earth and that the Holy Spirit inspires Christians today to confront. Religion has never been the way to God. Religion is often man’s idea of how God wants us to be. Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus. It is about receiving a sacrifice because none of us measure up. None of us WILL measure up in the future no matter how much we “learn.” Real Christianity is about receiving Christ and letting Him change us from the inside out. Why are we constantly searching for something that will change us from the outside in? (i.e. education, pop psychology, philosophy, etc.). Man’s best thinking got him into this jam and certainly will not get him out of it. Man, since the beginning of time has rebelled against a truth outside himself that he must adhere to. We like to map our own course. No matter how many times we crash the ship of life into the rocks, we still want to navigate. Christianitysays there is a truth outside of ourselves that is to navigate (guide) us. There are only two choices. We continue to rebel, or we surrender to the truth and live by it. Three things need to be shared in urgency: 1) Don’t let anyone convince you that you are being intolerant for proclaiming and believing in a truth outside of yourself. 2) Love Your Neighbor As Yourself (no matter how difficult he or she may be). Remember, you were very difficult,and God saved you. You didn’t do anything to deserve it and had no merit within yourself. God loved you simply because he did. Be radical enough to love others that way. The only way to truly love others in that way is to spend time with God who loves them unconditionally just as he loves you. True love for others is an overflow of His Love. Pray for others, worship God, read His Word. 3)Share Truth with Others in Love. Don’t share it if you can’t do it in love. If you do, you will continue to foster that religious spirit that pushes people away from Christ (from God). Share it in Love and watch it change OTHERS. Share it in Love and watch it change YOU. 
Radical times call for Radical Faith and Radical purpose.