Saturday, July 16, 2016

Musings of a Prodigal Son - "The Spitting Image of Jesus"

(Jesus said) As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, 7And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. (John 9-5-7)

There is a lot of misunderstanding of the Church (Christ in he world) today. Many of the religious and the intellectuals of the world today are offended at the things taking place in many churches. Christians (believers in Christ) are fighting among themselves as they have done since the time that Christ ascended into heaven following his resurrection. Various Christians are afraid of the practices of various other Christians and often call them heretics.

I've noticed something however. When people are desperate and need  a touch from God, they aren't really bothered by the "form" or method God uses to touch them. They don't care if you are Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, Church or Christ, or Church of You Name It....they just want to be touched by Jesus. We spend so much time arguing and disagreeing about methodologies that we often never reach the substance of having the Holy Spirit of God touch us. Jesus said that he didn't come to heal the "well" but rather the "sick". He didn't come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Two points here: 1)Not every one who is sick wants to get well. 2)And not everyone who is sick knows that they are sick.

Jesus even asked two beggars at one point in the Bible IF they would like to be made well. That seems like a given.  Of course they would want to get well, wouldn't they? Think about it, if they got well, they would have to learn a whole new way of life. They could not rely on begging anymore but would have to learn a trade. Sympathy would not readily be available to them anymore. Their lives would change. Sometimes living what we would consider a "miserable" life is the life some choose because they are afraid of change. The known is safer than the unknown. Change means taking a risk to learn to live differently.

The second point is just as important. Not everyone who is sick knows that they are sick. Enter the Pharisees. I spent a great deal of my life thinking like a Pharisee. They were the "sickest" (their spiritual needs were great), but they did not even know they were sick (had needs). Even in the scriptures that I based this blog on above, you'll find that they were so busy evaluating the method of "healing" (the guy could really see!!!) that they missed the blessing and the miracle! Their methods and rules were more important than the grace of God.

I titled this blog entry, the "spitting" image of Jesus because he did something remarkable. Can you imagine if someone comes up for prayer in the morning at church and the Pastor comes down to pray with the individual, spits on the floor and takes that spit and rubs it on their eyes. Some people in the service would probably have a stroke!!! How dare he do something so gross!!! I've noticed something. People who really have a need do not care about methods, they simply want a touch from the Lord!!! I've also noticed something else in the Bible. Jesus often "healed" people in different ways. Some he spoke a word and they were healed. Some he told them to present themselves before the elders (church leaders), others he told to do different things. Some he didn't do anything at all but just told them to go their own way because they got what they asked for. Don't miss what God has for you because you are looking for him to speak or touch you in a particular way. Maybe some of us need our sensibilities shaken so that God can give us substance. Don't worry about the method just focus on the person of Jesus and ask for God's touch. The next time you are tempted to make fun or express your opinion about the way someone is approaching God, remember that Jesus spit on the ground and put it in a man's eyes. Let us think about that the  next time we are tempted to criticize or evaluate how God works and what he will and will not do. The next time God wants us to do something radical, let us remember that we are to be the "spitting" image of Christ. That means being obedient to God no matter what.

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